Wednesday 10 August 2011

Celebrate the 1st Day Of School!!!

Pencil Cake

From FamilyFun Magazine
My oldest had no desire at all to start school. My youngest couldn’t wait to go, just like her big sister. Every child is different, but whether your child is excited or reluctant; the first day of kindergarten is important and stressful for child and parent alike. 

Having a party on the big day can be a great way to smooth the waters and give kids a positive image of school right from the start!

Try some of these ideas…

We had a Pizza Party and our big girl invited 3 friends (so total of 4 kids). But if your school lets out at half day, why not serve lunch in brown paper bags? Menu items could include sandwiches, cartons of milk and juicy apples!

Decorate with chalkboards, globes/maps and stacks of textbooks. (I placed these items around the room and then suspended apple and pencil cut-outs from the ceiling)

Play traditional schoolyard games such as tag, foursquare, hopscotch and duck duck goose.

For dessert I made cupcakes and let the kids decorate them, or if you prefer a less messy option try this fabulous Pencil Cake Recipe from Family fun!  CLICK HERE
Big or small, your kids will feel so proud when you help them celebrate their first day of school!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Truth or Dare Ball Game

When my youngest was turning 6 she desperately wanted a “Sleepover” Party! She wanted to be just like her big sister who has sleepovers all the time. The problem was that many of the children she wanted to invite where not yet comfortable with sleeping over without mommy or daddy. So, we compromised on a “Mock” Sleepover party!  

This party was a HUGE success! The kids loved it! I will go into more details another time, but for now I really wanted to mention one of the Party Games we played. This game turned out to be the favorite and the girls played it again and again! Keeping our “sleepover” theme in mind AND the age group I had to work with, I created “The Truth or Dare Ball!” After all, what kind of “Sleepover Party” doesn’t have “Truth or Dare”???

Here’s how it works:

Buy a large ball from the dollar store. In permanent marker write questions and dares all over it. (The more questions and dares the better, but remember to keep them fun and innocent for young ones!)  Place everyone in a circle and throw the ball to the birthday child. Then, like “hot potato,” play some music while the kids pass the ball from player to player. The person who has the ball when the music stops, must answer the question (or do the dare) that their right thumb is touching. The game then continues until every player has a chance to answer a question or perform a dare!

Ideas for some Fun Truth questions: 
1. What was the best thing that happened to you at school?
2. What was the funniest thing that happened to you?
3. Describe three things you like about yourself.
4. What is the best thing about your life right now?
5. What is your favorite kind of music?
6. Do you have pets? What kind?
7. What is your favorite thing to do?
8. Do you play any musical instruments? Which ones?
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
10. How will you know who you're going to marry?  
11. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
12. What is the worst thing you’ve ever eaten?
13. What is your favorite food?
14. Do you sing in the bathtub?
15. Who is your best friend?
16. What is your favorite subject at school?
17. What makes you the happiest?
18. What is your favorite zoo animal?
19. Do you still sleep with a stuffy or something special? What?
20. What is your middle name?

Ideas for some Fun Dares:

1. Do the hokey pokey & sing the song!
2. Sing "I’m a Little Teapot" with all the actions!
3. Act like a chicken!
4. Try to lick your elbow!
5. Act like any person in this room! 
6. Sing ANY Selena Gomez Song
7. Snort like a pig!
8. Play "This little piggy went to market" on someone’s toes!
9. Dance like a Ballerina! 
10. Try to walk with a book on your head
11. Give someone a horsey ride!
12. Tell us your best joke.
13. Try to stand on your head.

You can adapt your Questions and Dares to match your party needs, age group and interests. Remember to keep “Fun!” as your number one objective and you are guaranteed to have a hit Party Game!

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Baseball Party for All Ages!

If you are anything like me, you will find yourself getting involved in way to many projects at any given time! It’s been a while since I last posted! Well honestly! Who knew convening for my daughter’s soccer division would take up SOOO much of my time?!!?!
I must admit though, all this sports related activity that has been going on around here reminds me of a party I planned for a friend’s son last year. This party was done on a very tight budget, though Charlie is not a child. As a matter of fact, this party was for his 18th birthday. However this is a theme that can be adapted for any age group and was a huge success so it bears mentioning!

Charlie LOVES sports and is seen quite often out in the neighbourhood playing with the younger ones, showing them a technique or two! But his passion is baseball! He’s a little obsessed! So for his 18th birthday we choose a baseball theme! We wanted to include all his friends and family so we were planning for a wide age group (6 and up to adults) and this theme seemed perfect!
To keep costs down, we creeped Charlie’s Facebook account and grabbed a few of his close friends information. Then, we set up an “event invite” with the following wording, “Charlie is rounding third and headed toward his eighteenth birthday! Come help us cheer him on!” and followed that with all the party information. We then added a picture of Charlie pitching at one of his games and photoshopped to include balloons and streamers in the background. For those that we could not use Facebook for, we printed the same information on to baseball themed paper (from the dollar store) and mailed them
ßtotal cost $4.00

Fortunately, a good friend lives directly across the street from a school with a great baseball field; so we had everyone meet up there. There was a nice field and playground area for anyone not wanting to play baseball.<-- FREE!

Activities and Party Games:
This was an easy part!  We planned to simply PLAY a game of baseball. But recognizing that not everyone would be able (or willing) to participate at this level, we also planned some fun baseball related activities in the field by the diamond.
Pitching Contest – I placed a basket of balls at one end and set up a hockey net with targets tied on it, a little distance away. The kids, (and a few adults! Lol) then had a contest to see who could hit the targets the most!
ß used materials already on hand so FREE!
Ball Toss Relay --I lined the players up in two lines facing each other. Each player was then given a baseball cap. The object of the game was to toss the ball back and forth using only the ball cap (no hands!) and without letting their ball drop. For the Adults, after each toss, I had the players take one step back. Teams who missed their catch were out until only one team was left!
ß Collected hats from friends so again FREE!
BUBBLES – This is pretty self explanatory. We had bubbles for the kids to play with and told them they had to catch them before they popped! This was a big hit and even some of the adults got in on it!
ß $3.00

Decorations and Party Supplies:
We decided to decorate the ball field in addition to the house since the party was to take place at both locations.
For the field - we simply tied 2 bunches of balloons (blue and white for the Toronto Blue Jays) one with a mylar baseball balloon and the other with a mylar sports themed 18th birthday balloon. And tied them on either sides of the dugouts.
ß $30
At the house we had blue table clothes, blue and white streamers, all from the dollar store and small bunches of blue and white balloons placed around the room.
ß $40
We also brought over the balloon bunches from the field and placed them around the food table. We bought plates, napkins, cups and dishes that looked like baseballs also from the dollar store.
Using an idea from
For a centerpiece we decided to use some of Charlie’s old gear!<-- FREE!

Hot dogs!!! Roasted Peanuts!! And Cracker Jacks!! Of course! And for good measure we added a macaroni salad, a potato salad, a cheese tray and a veggie tray.
ß $60 (Salads and Trays were brought by guests)
For dessert - we made three cakes (Chocolate, Vanilla and Lemon) and on each one we had a scanned picture of Charlie (on edible rice paper printed at DQ) in his ball uniforms; one from his first year, one from his mid years and one recent. With the cake was a side of ice cream served in a small plastic baseball helmet from the dollar store.
ß $50 (homemade cakes, printouts from DQ and helmet costs)

Loot Bags
Since this party was actually for an 18 year old boy, we decided to forgo the loot bags. However for the few kids that were there we did have small bags with baseball themed pencils and erasers, little chocolates wrapped in foil to look like tiny baseballs and a pack of collectible baseball cards.
ß $20
And we had extras for anyone who wanted a treat!

This party was so much fun to plan! It was very inexpensive, and everyone, especially Charlie, had a blast! Total Cost: $167

Friday 25 March 2011

Simple Party Planning Schedule

Organizing a child’s party can be just as intimidating as planning a large corporate event! In my last blog I gave you my “Top 10 Party Planning Tips!” As mentioned, it’s a good idea to start your planning early and get organized!  I suggested you create a “Planning Schedule” for yourself. But what exactly IS that?
A Planning Schedule helps you break down each task that needs to be done to prepare for the party itself. By following a schedule your tasks will seem less overwhelming and will ease the stress of all party planning details! Each Planning Schedule needs to be tailored to fit the party being held. However, once you know where to start it is very simple to plan out your own schedule.
Try following my Simple Party Planning Schedule Template, but remember to make it your own! Change what you need to and add date deadlines beside each task. 

1.      Choose your Party Theme and Venue!
2.      Book your venue!
3.      Book Entertainment (if needed)
4.      Make a guest list
5.      Create a budget
6.      Plan the Party menu
7.      Make a list of all supplies needed (Decorations, Plates, Utensils etc.)


1.      Make/Buy Invitations.
2.      Mail or drop off invitations. (2-3 weeks prior to party)
3.      Buy party supplies.
4.      Start making party decorations
5.      Make plans for extra help.


1.      Order Cake if not making your own.
2.      Order extra party supplies such as balloon bouquets ß optional
3.      Confirm Venue and Entertainment bookings.
4.      Review RSVP’s received and send reminders for those who have not yet responded.
5.      Confirm Helpers for preparation and for the day of.
6.      Finish decoration preparations.
7.      Write out a schedule of activities for the party.


1.      Buy remaining food/supplies for the party.
2.      Put together a “Party Survival Kit!” ß a small tote bag with items we commonly need or forget! Such as; tape, scissors, pen & batteries!
3.      Check batteries and memory for cameras and/or camcorders. ßadd to Survival Kit
4.      Prepare Gab Bags and Party Favours.


1.      Pick up ordered cake or make and decorate your own ßif you have time I like to do this the morning of the party instead.
2.      Pick up any ordered party supplies.
3.      If possible, decorate any indoor party areas ßThis will depend on your venue and may have to be done on the day of.
4.      Prepare all Do-ahead food.


1.      Prepare the rest of the food.
2.      Finish decorating indoors or outdoors.
3.      Mark the outside of the house or the party venue with balloons or a sign.
4.      Set up any necessary activity stations. ß Be sure to have ALL supplies ready!
5.      Keep your Party schedule of activities handy!!! And remember to delegate to your helpers!

Now that you have planned ahead, you will be able to relax knowing that you are organized and have everything under control! When the party starts, you will be ready, and as “Mom-In-Charge” you will be able to present a very enjoyable party!

Tuesday 8 March 2011

My Top 10 Party Planning Tips!!!

HELP! My child’s birthday is coming up and I simply do not have the money or the know how to plan an exciting and memorable celebration!
Sound familiar?  It’s ok! You are NOT alone! Many parents are overwhelmed by the whole “party planning” concept! There is so much information out there for you to use! But where do you start? What if you don’t have a lot in the budget this year? How many kids do you invite and how do you keep them from getting bored?
First; RELAX! You are mom! You can do this! And I’m going to help!
When planning a child’s birthday party there are a few basic, tried and tested, guidelines I ALWAYS follow!

1.     Start Early & Get Organized!
Avoid the stress! Create a “planning schedule” for yourself and avoid last minute mayhem! It is never too early to start brain storming ideas. A good rule of thumb is to be prepared to start your preparations at least one month before the party date. This gives you plenty of time to make all of the necessary decisions, buy the supplies and send out the invitations.

2.     Budget!
Decide on a budget. A budget will help keep you focused and help you decide on things such as numbers and venue, or entertainment options! Try to be generous when estimating costs. This way you will be less likely to come across unexpected expenses and pleasantly surprised when you have money left over!

3.     Guest List & Party Date
This is the hard part! Some experts say that it is not fair if you do not invite your child’s whole class. Others say to take your child’s age, add 1 and that is how many kids to invite, otherwise you will be spoiling the child. So which is right? Simply put, neither.
Most classrooms consist of 20 or more children! Planning a decent party for that many kids AND maintaining control on your cheque book is simply unrealistic! If you can manage it and would like to do this then try to keep this type of party for milestone birthdays. That said, you are NOT going to spoil your 4yr old by allowing them to have more than 5 children at their party!  Find a happy medium that works for your family! I usually allow 10-15 invites. My children usually find this fair and these numbers help me maintain control while keeping my overall costs down.
Now pick the date – parties are usually held within 2 weeks (before or after) your child’s actual date of birth. However, before settling on a date, make an effort to check the calendar to see if there are potential clashes, such as standard holidays, Easter, Mother’s Day etc, this small step will help ensure that most invited guests will be available.

4.     Choose a Theme!
Choosing a theme for your child's birthday celebration will provide you with an easy, basic guideline to follow and will make shopping for supplies much easier. There are sooo many great ideas out there that you will likely find yourself overwhelmed or unsure what to choose. Remember to stick firmly to your theme and you will be ok! Plan the decorations, games, food and loot bags, etc around the theme to create an exciting party environment. Choosing 2 colours to go with your theme will help you with finding items you cannot find to fit your theme. For example: For a western themed hoedown I used red and white (checker when possible). This trick makes it easier for you to follow your theme while providing you with an alternative choice whenever it is difficult to find the themed items you are looking for. Talk to your child for inspiration. Consider his/her favourite activities and entertainment and let them help with the planning!  

5.     Choose a Venue
Choose a location that fits your theme AND your budget! Home parties allow the most freedom in terms of food and decorations, but the limited space is a problem for a large party. Remember too that a home party will need more creativity and supplies so your costs can add up if you’re not careful. Parks, zoos, children's play areas or a party room offer more space if you have a large guest list. Most children’s party places will offer an all inclusive package for about 10 children (additional children are usually an additional cost.) Many of the popular locations for children's parties also have built-in entertainment options; however you are limited in your choices for food and decoration. Consider your Theme, Budget and Commitment Time when choosing your venue.

6.     Invitations Set the Stage!
Create unique invitations! The invitations are the first introduction to your child’s party that your guests will see. By sticking to your theme and creating a completely one of a kind invitation you will be adding a sense of excitement and anticipation to the celebration. For a mall scavenger hunt, I designed invitations on the computer that looked like credit cards. I printed them out on business card printer paper and placed them in wallets I bought from the dollar store. It was cheap, easy and fun! The girls loved them! Remember to include who the party is for, the date, the location, and rsvp by date, name and phone # and any necessary special instructions. Try to give about 2 weeks’ notice, and send simple and polite “reminder notes” 3 days prior if necessary.

7.     Decorations
Decorations add to the excitement of the birthday party. Balloons, streamers and confetti are common decorations. But consider add bit “more” to create your atmosphere. Again, stick to the theme when choosing the decorations. For a Magic themed party consider using balloons of your color choice (I used black, white and purple) Hang them from the ceiling using ribbon, then add playing cards hung from fishing wire between the balloons! Also make sure to decorate your tables to tie the room together nicely. If the party is held away from home, ask the venue about restrictions on decorations before buying your supplies. Many don't allow confetti or other messy decorations.

8.      Party Favours
Party Favours such as loot bags add to the decorations and provide the guests with a nice thank-you gift as they leave. Choose items that fit your theme AND are appropriate for the age of the kids. General rule of thumb here is around $5 per bag for example you could include 3 small toys or activities and 2 treats for each loot bag. Or, for an outdoor winter adventure party consider rolling up a magic carpet $3, Tie with a ribbon and attach a colourful loot bag filled with the ingredients for some yummy hot chocolate $2!

9.     Party Food
Stick to your theme; are you seeing a pattern yet? J But keep in mind the age group you are planning for. While nutrition is something to consider remember it IS a party, so let them bend the rules here a little. Going overboard and planning elaborate choices will sometimes cause young children to turn their noses!  Remember too that many children won’t eat a lot with all the party excitement. Finger foods such as sandwiches, hot dogs and pizza are usually a hit. For a 50’s & 60’s style dinner bowling party I chose Hamburgers, Fries & Milkshakes. I also added simple snacks such as chips, pretzels and popcorn. This kept with my theme AND provided simple food that most children love! Some public venues may limit outside food, so check their policies first.

10. Enlist Help!
Birthday parties for young kids are a lot of work! Especially if you plan to keep your costs down by being creative and doing a lot of the work yourself! Include the birthday child in the planning and expect to be exhausted at the end of the day! And when possible, enlist the help of your friends and family members. Don't forget to enjoy the party yourself!

Children’s birthday parties today are a lot different than they were when we were kids. In many communities, throwing a child’s birthday party has almost become a competitive sport!
Remember your child’s party should be about fun and celebration, not competition. So do what will make your child happy and keep in tradition with your family values. Many families chose alternative birthday celebrations such as special dinners or birthday cake with family only, measuring to see how much they've grown, reminiscing about "the day you were born" or by watching videos of younger years. Whether with a party or not, the object of the day is to make your child feel special. ENJOY!

Wednesday 16 February 2011


Hello World! And Welcome to my Blog! My name is Teresa, nice to meet you! I am fairly new to the blogging world, but after many urges from friends and family I thought I’d give it a try!  

I have been blessed with 2 wonderful children whom I absolutely adore! Even the teenager! (Most days! Tehe) And an incredibly patient and loving Hubby (let’s just call him “J”). I say this because I happen to be VERY creative in personality! When I get into a project I give it my all! Hubby usually just smiles and puts up with my crazy antics until I move on to a new project!

Like most people today, we live on a pretty tight budget, so parties and entertainment is not ALWAYS in the resources!  But I LOVE to celebrate all the little things in life! So then how do I do it? By being creative and doing a lot of the work myself! I get most of my inspiration from the internet and other blogs (boy there is ALOT of creativity out there to explore!)

I started out when my niece came along. I LOVED her to pieces and wanted her to have all the fun and excitement life could bring! So I started planning creative play dates and birthday parties for her! When I had my oldest, I did the same for her, but after awhile I moved on to first day of school parties, holiday parties, tea parties and more!

Once I became a mom myself and met other moms, they started to ask me to help them plan their parties and events too. Pretty soon I was not only planning children’s parties but Jack & Jill’s, Baby Showers and Weddings as well! I love every minute of it! But admittedly my passion is children’s parties.

My ultimate goal is to provide other parents with TONS of useful ideas and advise to help them plan the perfect (budget conscious) party for their own child but from time to time I may post some creative parenting advice as well! After all I am a creative mom! And have found quite a few unique parenting methods on the net that have proven to be very useful!

I believe ANY budget or theme can be a hit party and ALL parents can use some support some times, so please comment lots!
Share your ideas too and feel free to ask LOADS of questions!