Wednesday 10 August 2011

Celebrate the 1st Day Of School!!!

Pencil Cake

From FamilyFun Magazine
My oldest had no desire at all to start school. My youngest couldn’t wait to go, just like her big sister. Every child is different, but whether your child is excited or reluctant; the first day of kindergarten is important and stressful for child and parent alike. 

Having a party on the big day can be a great way to smooth the waters and give kids a positive image of school right from the start!

Try some of these ideas…

We had a Pizza Party and our big girl invited 3 friends (so total of 4 kids). But if your school lets out at half day, why not serve lunch in brown paper bags? Menu items could include sandwiches, cartons of milk and juicy apples!

Decorate with chalkboards, globes/maps and stacks of textbooks. (I placed these items around the room and then suspended apple and pencil cut-outs from the ceiling)

Play traditional schoolyard games such as tag, foursquare, hopscotch and duck duck goose.

For dessert I made cupcakes and let the kids decorate them, or if you prefer a less messy option try this fabulous Pencil Cake Recipe from Family fun!  CLICK HERE
Big or small, your kids will feel so proud when you help them celebrate their first day of school!

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